A presentation at commerce.talks Berlin in April 2019 in Berlin, Germany by Philipp Krenn
Hands-On ModSecurity and Logging Philipp Krenn @xeraa
Let’s talk about security… @xeraa
A1:2017-Injection https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ Top_10-2017_Top_10 @xeraa
A10:2017-Insufficient Logging & Monitoring https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ Top_10-2017_Top_10 @xeraa
Developer @xeraa
Disclaimer I build highly monitored Hello World apps @xeraa
Hello World of SQL Injection: https://xeraa.wtf @xeraa
https://xeraa.wtf/read.php?id=1 @xeraa
Injection ;INSERT INTO employees (id,name,city,salary) VALUES (4,’test’,’test’,10000) @xeraa
What’s going on in our app? @xeraa
DELETE or DROP? @xeraa
Custom Rule SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME “form.php” “id:’400001’,chain,deny,log,msg:’Spam detected’” SecRule REQUEST_METHOD “POST” chain SecRule REQUEST_BODY “@rx (?i:(pills|insurance|rolex))” @xeraa
Conclusion @xeraa
Examples https://github.com/xeraa/mod_security-log @xeraa
Code Logging ModSecurity @xeraa
Questions? Philipp Krenn @xeraa @xeraa