A presentation at All Day DevOps by Philipp Krenn
Developer @xeraa
Apache License 2.0 @xeraa
Disclaimer I build highly monitored Hello World apps @xeraa
Example: Java SLF4J, Logback, MDC @xeraa
.NET: NLog PHP: Monolog JavaScript: Winston ... @xeraa
Anti-Pattern: print System.out.println("Oops"); @xeraa
Anti-Pattern: Coupling @xeraa
Parse @xeraa
[2018-09-28 10:30:38.516] ERROR net.xeraa.logging.LogMe [main] - user_experience= , session=46, loop=15 - Wake me up at night java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad runtime... at net.xeraa.logging.LogMe.main(LogMe.java:30) ^[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}]%{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:level} %{SPACE}%{USERNAME:logger}%{SPACE}[%{WORD:thread}] %{SPACE}-%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:mdc}%{SPACE}-%{SPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:themessage}(?:\n+(?<stacktrace>(?:.|\r|\n)+))? @xeraa
Pro: No change Con: RegEx, timestamp, multiline @xeraa
Send @xeraa
Pro: No files Con: Outages & coupling @xeraa
Structure @xeraa
Pro: Right format Con: JSON serialization overhead @xeraa
Containerize @xeraa
Where to put Filebeat? Sidecar @xeraa
Default JSON log filebeat.prospectors: - type: log paths: - "/var/lib/docker/containers//.log" json.message_key: log json.keys_under_root: true processors: - add_docker_metadata: ~ @xeraa
Metadata { "host": "", "port": 6379, "docker": { "container": { "id": "382184ecdb385cfd5d1f1a65f78911054c8511ae009635300ac28b4fc357ce51", "name": "my-java", "image": "my-java:1.0.0", "labels": { "app": "java" } } } } @xeraa
Mount log path my-java: container_name: my-java hostname: my-java build: ${PWD}/config/my-java networks: ['stack'] command: java -jar my-java.jar volumes: - ./logs/my-java/:/opt/my-java/logs/ filebeat: container_name: filebeat hostname: filebeat image: "docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:${ELASTIC_VERSION}" volumes: - ./logs/my-java/:/var/log/my-java/ - ./docker-compose/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml:ro command: filebeat -e networks: ['stack'] @xeraa
Registry file filebeat.registry_file: /usr/share/filebeat/data/registry @xeraa
..-__ ''-._ _.-
. ''-._ .-.-```. ```\/ _.,_ ''-._ ( ' , .-` | `, ) |`-._`-...-` __...-.
-.|'_.-'| |
-.._ / _.-' |
-._ -._
-./ .-' .-' |-._
-.-.__.-' _.-'_.-'| |
-.-._ _.-'_.-' |
-._ -._
-..-'.-' .-' |-._
-.-.__.-' _.-'_.-'| |
-.-._ _.-'_.-' |
-._ -._
-..-'_.-' _.-' -._
-..-' _.-' -._ _.-'
Redis 4.0.9 (00000000/0) 64 bit Running in stand alone mode Port: 6379 PID: 55757
Configuration templates filebeat.autodiscover: providers: - type: docker templates: - condition: equals: docker.container.image: redis config: - type: docker containers.ids: - "${data.docker.container.id}" exclude_lines: ["^\s+[\-`('.|_]"] @xeraa
Pro: Hot Con: Complexity @xeraa
Orchestrate @xeraa
Where to put Filebeat? DaemonSet @xeraa
Metadata processors: - add_kubernetes_metadata: in_cluster: true @xeraa
Metadata { "host": "", "port": 9090, "kubernetes": { "container": { "id": "382184ecdb385cfd5d1f1a65f78911054c8511ae009635300ac28b4fc357ce51", "image": "my-java:1.0.0", "name": "my-java" }, "labels": { "app": "java", }, "namespace": "default", "node": { "name": "minikube" }, "pod": { "name": "java-2657348378-k1pnh" } }, } @xeraa
Configuration templates filebeat.autodiscover: providers: - type: kubernetes templates: - condition: equals: kubernetes.namespace: redis config: - type: docker containers.ids: - "${data.kubernetes.container.id}" exclude_lines: ["^\s+[\-`('.|_]"] # Drop asciiart lines @xeraa
Customize indices output.elasticsearch: index: "%{[kubernetes.namespace]:filebeat}-%{[beat.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}" @xeraa
Pro: Hot Con: Complexity++ @xeraa
Conclusion @xeraa
Examples https://github.com/xeraa/java-logging @xeraa
Parse Send Structure Containerize Orchestrate @xeraa
Most organizations feel the need to centralize their logs. Once you have more than a couple of servers or containers, SSH and tail will not serve you well any more. However, the common question or struggle is how to achieve that.
The following resources were mentioned during the presentation or are useful additional information.
How to log from a Java application to the Elastic Stack.
Here’s what was said about this presentation on social media.
ELK...B = Elastic Logstash Kibana Beats ... rebranded to Elastic Stack
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Elasticsearch is the thing that's storing the data
@xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps pic.twitter.com/QPE6mrcjkB
Applications try to be cute and create starup ASCII art - exclude that from centralized #logging using configuration templates #containers #ElasticStack @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Orchestrate? probably all @kubernetesio by now... Where to put Filebeat? DaemonSet. Like a sidecar: one instance is running and collect all the files from that host. @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Centralized logging in #ElasticStack : Parse, Send, Structure, Containerize, Orchestrate
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Code from this presentation https://t.co/D1IpYkOc7E
@xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
ELKB or BELK!!!!! #alldaydevops pic.twitter.com/phiqqrcord
— vthot4 (@vthot4) October 17, 2018
Elastic in action: "Centralized Logging Patterns" at All Day DevOps 2018 #AllDayDevOps
— vthot4 (@vthot4) October 17, 2018
OH: Like writing regular expressions? Stockholm syndrome! @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
that is 100% stockholm syndrome
— ☭Comrade, but spoopy, and back home☭ (@ComradeEevee) October 17, 2018
Elastic Stack collection of #opensource projects https://t.co/Ob65LgxDY3
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Beats platform for single-purpose data shippers https://t.co/vgXxEgOBZ8
Logstash collects & transforms
Elasticsearch searches & analyzes
Kibana visualizes & manages
@xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
Logstash parses w/regex & stores parsed fields in Elasticsearch @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Logging anti-pattern? Tightly coupling to the implmentation. Don't want logging to take down your system. @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018
Containerizing applications: Where to put Filebeat? Sidecar. Avoid bloating your container. @xeraa #DevOps #AllDayDevOps
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication) October 17, 2018